
We will be in Middelfart, at Hotel Comwell Kongebrogaarden right by the old bridge across Lillebælt. The hotel only has 62 rooms, so it will mainly be us in the hotel. The hotel is situated in the middle of the forest, right by the sea. It is perfect for biking, running and walking, so remember to bring your running shoes (as we, again, will arrange dsk.run on Friday morning).
The address of the hotel is:
Comwell Hotel Kongebrogaarden
Kongebrovej 63
5500 Middelfart
It is an enjoyable 2 km walk from Middelfart train station (25 min - check out the route on Google Maps). If that is not for you: grab a taxi.
We have booked 50 rooms for the conference. So register quickly to ensure that you can stay at the conference hotel. If it is full, we will make sure that you can stay at hotels in the near vicinity so that you do not lose the opportunity to join the conference.
Registration to dsk.2020 can be done here:
- Physical meeting: ida.dk (meeting No. 334528). You can downgrade your participation in the physical meeting to the online version until 9/10 free of charge.
- Online meeting: ida.dk (meeting No. 337740)
Conference fee:
- MSc students DKK 3000 - online DKK 1000
- Members of IDA DKK 4500 (after 11/9: DKK 5500) - online DKK 1000
- Non-members DKK 5000 (after 11/9: DKK 6000) - online DKK 1500
The conference fee includes the whole conference: one night at the hotel, as well as all meals including the conference dinner.
Please contact the hotel if you have special needs; if you are a vegetarian/vegan or if you have any food allergies.